Learn About How Solea Reduces Virus & Bacteria Transmission


The full impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the medical community is not yet fully known. The guidelines for the dental industry are evolving, but the considerations are clear – reducing the risk of virus and bacteria transmission between patients and staff and patient-to-patient is our top priority in the post COVD-19 environment.

Solea laser dentistry provides significant benefits for procedures as compared to the traditional drill, especially in a post COVID-19 environment. This all-tissue dental laser significantly reduces aerosols and splatter by more than 99.9% through less water flow and air pressure, and kills viruses and bacteria wherever the beam comes in contact.




Plano Dental Excellence
6101 Chapel Hill Blvd, Suite 203
Plano, TX 75093
Phone: 972-833-8054
Fax: 972-752-8007

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